UCL Centre for Virtual Environments, Interaction & Visualisation
**UCL Centre in Virtual Environments, Interaction and Visualisation closed its EngD programme in 2018. Interested students should see our PhD programme or MRes Virtual Reality. Potential collabators might contact the VECG Group or VR Lab**
The UCL Centre in Virtual Environments, Interaction and Visualisation (VEIV) focuses on projects that advance the science and engineering of computational capture, rendering and simulation in a diverse range of applications. VEIV runs a Masters of Research (MRes), an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) and a PhD programmes, through which research engineers (REs) are fully co-funded to undertake research relating to virtual environments, imaging and visualisation in engineering and design. Our doctoral programmes are targeted at outstanding students and engineers who want to direct research in industry, or want to maintain significant links with industry in an academic career.