VEIV Students
Ben Congdon
I studied at UCL for my MEng in Computer Science, graduating Summer 2015. I then worked as a software developer in Formula One before starting my PhD with the department March 2016. I'm supervised by Anthony Steed.
Primary Supervisor: Anthony Steed
Redirected Walking | Virtual Reality | Augmented Reality | Computer Graphics
Thomas Pearce
Thomas Pearce is an architectural designer (B.Sc., TU Berlin, MArch, Bartlett UCL) and cultural historian (B.A., M.A, KU Leuven). He has worked extensively in architectural practice as a specialist for digital design and fabrication and has published peer-reviewed theoretical work on the architecture of the proto-internet, the aesthetics and materiality of data landscapes and on the concept of sub-optimisation in digital fabrication.
Primary Supervisor: Peg Rawes
Second Supervisor: Nat Chard
Digital Fabrication | 3D Scanning | Simulation | Built Environment
Jake Rigby
I am a doctoral student based in the UCL Interaction Centre (UCLIC), funded through the VEIV centre. I began my studies at UCL in October 2014.
Primary Supervisor: Duncan Brumby
Industry Sponsor: BBC R&D
Media Multitasking | Interruptions | Immersion | Film | Television
Christodoulos Aspromallis
Christodoulos has a major in Music Studies (University of Athens), a Master of Arts in Music Performance (Royal Academy of Music – London) and Master of Research Degree in Computer Science (UCL – VEIV).
Primary Supervisor: Nicolas Gold
Industry Sponsor: Penny Dreadful Productions
Research Area: Goes here
Rod Bunn
Information coming soon
Lucy Zarina Fraser
Awarded VEIV EngD
I have had the good fortune of a fully funded position, working within the UK National Health Service (NHS) to deliver service improvements. Supported access to a number of nationalised projects has enabled me to analyse project, purchasing behaviour and people interface in the largest UK NHS Trust.
Primary Supervisor: Michael Pitt
Industry Sponsor : Barts Health NHS Trust
Public Health | Service Management | Procurement | End Users
Hannah Corcoran
Hannah studied for an MSci in Geoscience as an undergrad at Royal Holloway but discovered her interest in dimensional measurement and metrology when she studied for an MSc in Land Surveying at UCL. She worked as a land surveyor before starting her EngD.
Primary Supervisor: Stuart Robson
Industry Sponsor: NPL
Metrology | XCT | Dimensional Measurements | Traceability
Stathis Eleftheriadis
Stathis holds a diploma of civil and environmental engineering and master degrees in sustainability and computational engineering. As part of his engineering doctorate he examines computational methods that assist decision-makers understand the relationships between engineering and managerial sustainable multi-performance indexes by combining the capabilities of intelligent decision-making tools, quality functions and optimisation algorithms.
Primary Supervisor: Dejan Mumovic
Industry Sponsor: Price & Myers
Structural optimisation | Building information models | Life cycle performance | Multi-criteria decision making
James Hennessey
James is an EngD student at University College London where he is advised by Prof. Niloy Mitra in the Smart Geometry group. His research interests are broadly in the areas of computer graphics, human-computer interaction and computer vision.
Primary Supervisor: Niloy Mitra
Computer Graphics | Imaging | HCI | Computer Vision
Drew MacQuarrie
Drew’s research, in collaboration with the BBC, is focused on cinematic virtual reality and its potential to create immersive experiences in the living room. Aspects being explored include the creation and editing of 360-degree video, such as the image processing steps required for effective post-production.
Primary Supervisor: Anthony Steed
Industry Sponsor: BBC
Cinematic Virtual Reality | 360-degree Video | Immersive Displays | Image Processing | Computational Photography
Joep Moritz
Joep is currently in his fourth and final year of the MRes+EngD program, and has just gotten his first paper at the Eurographics conference accepted. Before starting at UCL he briefly worked for Vision Semantics, where he maintained computer vision algorithms in Matlab and C++.
Primary Supervisor: Tim Weyrich
Industry Sponsor: P&G
Texture synthesis | Face and skin capture | Blend shape modelling
Yair Schwartz
Yair worked as an Architect before joining the UCL Centre for Virtual Environments, Interaction and Visualisation, and is now working on a research project entitled ‘Creative Reuse: The Life Cycle Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Cost of Refurbished and New Buildings.
Primary Supervisor: Dejan Mumovic
Industry Sponsor: Hawkins\Brown
Generative Design | Optimisation | Life Cycle Analysis | Life Cycle Carbon Footprint | Building Performance
Chris van Dronkelaar
Doctoral researcher working with the Bartlett and Computer Science departments on quantifying and mitigating the discrepancy between predicted and measured energy use in buildings, his work is sponsored and guided by BuroHappold Engineering a global engineering consultancy.
Primary Supervisor: Dejan Mumovic
Industry Sponsor: Sponsored by Buro Happold
Energy Performance Gap | Building Simulationm | Energy Quantification
David Walton
David studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Warwick. He then completed his MRes in Virtual Environments, Imaging and Visualisation at UCL in 2015, and is currently studying towards an EngD at the VEIV Centre. From January to August 2016, David completed a research internship at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Anthony Steed
Industry Sponsor: Imagination Technologies Ltd
Augmented Reality | Computer Graphics | 3D Reconstruction
Kelvin Wong

Kelvin studied an MSc in Geographic Information Science at UCL before working as a GIS analyst at WSP Group. His research is focused on 3D GIS and data quality issues with a particular focus on semantic and feature content and descriptions.
Primary Supervisor: Claire Ellul
Industry Sponsor: Sponsored by Ordnance Survey
Geographic Information | 3D GIS | 3D data quality | 3D usability | 3D applications
Martin Dittus
Martin Dittus studied computing in Berlin, worked as a software developer and project manager at the Internet startup, and was awarded a master's degree at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at UCL. He is currently completing his doctorate at the ICRI Cities at UCL.
Primary Supervisor: Licia Capra
Industry Sponsor: Intel
Crowdsourcing | Crowd Mapping | Community Engagement | Computational Social Science | Data Science
Alex Eftychiou
I am interested in issues regarding Human Factors, particularly topics that involve automation, decision aiding and visualization.
Sebastian Friston
Awarded VEIV EngD
My interests are in high performance computing & communication systems, novel hardware, and all aspects of building high fidelity virtual worlds. My main research theme and topic of my EngD is low latency rendering for synthetic environments.
Primary Supervisor: Anthony Steed
Industry Sponsor: Maxeler
High Performance Computing | Low Latency | Virtual Reality | Realtime Rendering
Clement Godard
I am a studying computer vision under the supervision of Gabriel Brostow. In 2012 I obtained a MSc in Computer Graphics, Vision and Imaging from UCL and a Masters of Engineering from Supélec. I am quite interested by 3D reconstruction, Image-based rendering, Computational photography and deep learning.
Primary Supervisor: Gabe Brostow
3d Reconstruction | Machine Vision | Deep Learning
Valentina Marincioni
Valentina is a research engineer in building physics with a background in thermo-mechanical engineering. Her main research focuses on moisture transfer within internally insulated solid walls. She worked on the research and development of an internal wall insulation system, using laboratory experiments and in-situ measurements.
Primary Supervisor: Hector Altamirano-Medina
Industry Sponsor: Natural Building Technologies
Building physics | Thermo-Mechanics | Natural Building Technologies
Amir Nabil
Awarded VEIV EngD
Adaptive and responsive architecture is an area of research offering a plethora of opportunities to improve the built environment and occupant comfort. Specifically, system learning provides a vehicle by which a user can inadvertently tailor a buildings function according to their needs, wants and natural habits.
Daniel Scott
Daniel joins the EngD from itmsoil, a company providing structural monitoring systems to the construction sector, where he was involved in sensor design, testing and calibration, on-site installation, system design, and data analysis. His experience spans rail, dams, towers, tunnels and other major infrastructure works, including the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Heathrow Terminal 5, Thameslink upgrade, Victoria Station Upgrade and, most recently working as a project manager on Crossrail contract C701.
Ruhul Amin
Awarded VEIV EngD
In partnership with Skanska, and under the supervision of Professor Michael Pitt and Peter McLennan, my research focuses on the investigation of fault detection, diagnosis and prognosis on mechanical and electrical building assets via numerous sensors and systems for efficient and innovative asset management in order toaddress the problem of asset failure and reduce costly reactive maintenance efforts.
Primary Supervisor: Michael Pitt
Industry Sponsor: Skanska
Life Cycle Assessment | Built Environment
Cristina Amati
The current state of the art in image super-resolution relies on interpolation and patch-based approaches and stops at a few orders of magnitude. This project poses the pertinent question of what lies between the pixels of an image and how we could infer or "hallucinate" appropriate content to fill those spaces at much greater orders of magnitude.
Tiphaine Bardon
Awarded VEIV EngD
A state-of-the-art THZ pulsed semiconductor-based imaging system has been developed by Teraview specifically to monitor the thickness, uniformity and density of laminar and coated structures and to identify structural features such as cracks, dislocations and delaminations.
Andrew Barnes
I am a research graduate in the department of computer science, University College London. I have come to academia from an industry in metrology, working in new concepts for real-time controllers at Renishaw PLC.
Ciro Bevilacqua
An Imaging Tool for Energy Efficient Communities of the Future
The depletion of fuel reserves and the concerns on the energy security that stem from it, sustainable development and global warming have increased the focus on the efficiency of the generation and delivery of the energy to the communities. In this scenario, renewable energy technologies and district heating are considered to be a very efficient form of generation and distribution of energy, offering the potential for considerable savings of carbon.
Supervisor1: Supervisor 1 here
Sponsor Name: British Research Establishment (BRE)
Research Area: An Imaging Tool for Energy Efficient Communities of the Future
Jacques Cali
Traditionally, computer graphics aim at creating digital descriptions of how real-world materials reflect light.
Dan Calian
The goal of my EngD project is to investigate methods of realistically integrating virtually rendered content within real scenes. Achieving convincing results require knowing information about the real scene: at the very minimum it requires knowing the lighting conditions of the scene.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Jan Kautz
Industry Sponsor: Disney Research
Inverse lighting | Augmented Reality | Geometry Optimisation | 3D Printing
Gianfranco Gliozzo
The research is framed in the general ExCites ‘Extreme Citizen Science’ research group which is aimed to extend the range of applications, participation and engagement of people in citizen science projects.
Julian Hodgson
My areas of research are character rigging and simulation as well as real-time animation.
Primary Supervisor: Anthony Steed
Industry Sponsor: Passion Pictures
Dynamic Environments
Gurdane Virk
Increasing urbanisation and projected climate change have led to the need for enhanced design guidance for the built environment. Designers and planners need to be aware of the effects that urban climates will have on the performance of their buildings.
Primary Supervisor: Mike Davies
Industry Sponsor: CIBSE
The Urban Climate – An Integrated Approach to Building Performance and Urban Design
David Andreen
Awarded VEIV EngD
David Andreen is developing physiomimetic design strategies for 3D printed buildings
Primary Supervisor: Sean Hanna
Industry Sponsor: FreeForm Construction
Intelligent Design | Spatial Design for Additive Manufacturing
Gwyneth Bradbury
The aim of my project is to give game design artists better 3D references and scene reconstructions which can be directly fed into the creative pipeline.
Primary Supervisor: Tim Weyrich
Industry Sponsor : Disney Interactive
3D References for Scene Contructions
Adam Davis

My research concerns the visual experience of architecture and urban space. I will be exploring the use of machine perception to understand how visual factors influence spatial awareness.
Yotam Doron
Yotam Doron's project aims to develop efficient techniques for automatically editing and analysing digital film. The main areas of interest are colour grading, disparity mapping and focus detection.
Primary Supervisor: Jan Kautz
Industry Sponsor: The Foundry
Enhanced Vision | Automated Editing of Digital Film
Dave di Ducca
David di Duca's work investigates ideas relating to affordance, human-nonhuman interaction and cybernetics. He undertakes his research through building interactive test pieces.
Primary Supervisor: Stephen Gage
Industry Sponsor: Jason Bruges Studio
Systems Interactions | Spatial Observation Monitoring
David Hawkins
Awarded VEIV EngD
I am researching the cases for refurbishment and replacement of existing buildings to improve whole life cycle energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions. The energy performance of an old building is typically poorer than that of newer buildings.
Primary Supervisor: Dejan Mumovic
Industry Sponsor: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Dynamic Environments | Life-Cycle Building Performance
Ian Henderson
Awarded VEIV MRes
An understanding of interconnected and complex hydrological systems is necessary for sustainable water management and engineering solutions, especially in light of global environmental change.
John Hindmarch
Awarded VEIV EngD
John's research is concerned with both the technical aspects of scanning museum objects, and the use of those scans in a physical or virtual exhibition space.
Primary Supervisor: Melissa Terras
Industry Sponsor: The Science Museum
Systems Interactions | Interactive Museum Systems | Virtual Capturing | Terrestial Scanning
Kazim Pal
Awarded VEIV EngD
Kazim's research deals with digitally restoring parchments with fire damage. The particular parchment book (the Great Parchment Book) is an extremely important document that fell victim to this very form of damage.
Primary Supervisor: Melissa Terras
Industry Sponsor: London Metropolitan Archives
Enhanced Vision | Reconstruction of Damaged Documents
Grieg Paterson
Awarded VEIV EngD
In collaboration with Aedas R&D and UCL, my research will explore the use of advanced modelling at the early stages of design, utilising performance data and environmental simulation as architectural design drivers.
Primary Supervisor: Dejan Mumovic
Industry Sponsor: Adeas
Dynamic Environments | Environmental Factors in Integrated Workflow
Anita Soni
Awarded VEIV EngD
The Thameslink Project involves a £5 billion upgrade of a major railway line through Central London. The protection of existing buildings and activities as well as major transport infrastructure hubs is essential to making such developments sustainable as transport solutions. Anita Soni researches key issues for the application of new spatial measurement techniques.
Primary Supervisor: Stuart Robson
Industry Sponsor: Network Rail
Enhanced Vision | Information Visualisation for Railways
Sam Wilkinson
Awarded VEIV EngD
PLP Research is focused on providing better tools for architects and engineers to predict behaviour of complex systems, such as the built environment. The control of geometric form has been the focus of current parametric design systems.
Primary Supervisor: Sean Hanna
Industry Sponsor: PLP Architecture
Dynamic Environments | Parametric Sustainable Design
Joe Williams
Awarded VEIV EngD
The main aim of this project is to quantitatively determine the operational performance of newly built, low-energy schools. This will be achieved by examining discrepancies between the design and the actual building in four predominant areas; building energy performance, building systems installation, building use, and the internal environment performance.
Primary Supervisor: Dejan Mumovic
Industry Sponsor: Feilden Clegg Bradley
Performance of Low-Energy Buildings
Sarat Babu
Awarded VEIV EngD
Sarat currently leads materials research with BREAD in collaboration with UCL via the Engineering Doctorate scheme setup by the EPSRC. He is looking at new variable materials and exploring their production, potential and design.
Primary Supervisor: Sean Hanna
Industry Sponsor: BREAD (The Bureau of Research Engineering Art & Design)
Intelligent Materials | Modeling Hybrid Materials
Jozef Dobos
Awarded VEIV EngD
Under the supervision of Prof. Anthony Steed and in cooperation with Arup, I am looking into large scale distribution of real-time 3D architectural geometry and network streaming while investigating the ad-hoc visibility and various culling methods trying to improve on the performance limiting the network bandwidth requirements.
Primary Supervisor: Anthony Steed
Industry Sponsor: Arup
Dynamic Environments | Real-time Architectural Geometry
Maciej Gryka
Awarded VEIV EngD
I work on Structure Sensitive Inpainting under the supervision of Dr Gabriel Brostow and in collaboration with Anthropics Technology Ltd.
James Martin
Awarded VEIV EngD
I am working under supervision of Prof. David Hawkes on respiratory motion compensation of lung tumours.
Primary Supervisor: David Hawkes
Industry Sponsor Vision RT
Enhanced Vision | Respiratory Motion Compensation
Malcolm Reynolds
My background is in Computer Science and Machine Learning, and I plan to apply Machine Learning and probabilistic methods to long-standing vision problems. In particular, I'm looking at the problem of how to reconstruct a 3D model from video footage of the interior of a building.
Primary Supervisor: Gabe Brostow
Vision and Machine Learning
Christos Sakellariou
Awarded VEIV EngD
Natural systems provide unique examples of computation in a form very different from contemporary computer architectures. Biology demonstrates capabilities such as adaptation, self-repair and self-organisation that are increasingly desirable for our technology.
Primary Supervisor: Peter J. Bentley
Industry Sponsor: Toumaz Technology Ltd
Hardware and Design | Systematic computation architecture
Timothy Scully
This project is focused on the development of a digital skin model that should be capable of expressing, to the highest degree of reality possible, the visual appearance of human skin, which depends upon a variety of anatomical, physiological and external parameters. Applications for such a model might be in the entertainment and cosmetics industries.
Primary Supervisor: Tim Weyrich
Industry Sponsor: Proctor & Gamble
Animated Bodies | Human Skin Rendering
Fabian Wanner
Awarded VEIV MPhil
I am working on the project "Photogrammetry of Buildings" in cooperation with Framestore. We are working on a system that allows the user to quickly reconstruct buildings of any shape and form, with the help of a sequence of images that have been taken of the building.
Primary Supervisor: Jan Kautz
Industry Sponsor: Framestore
Dynamic Environments | Simplify 3D Reconstruction
Dimitrios Athanasakis
Awarded VEIV EngD
Computational Statistics and Machine Learning for Proteomic Profile Analysis
Development of computational statistics and machine learning strategies for the selection of relevant patterns within proteomic profiles of infectious disease processes.
Sam Blackwell
Awarded VEIV MSc
Distributed Tracking and Situation Assessment:
The aim of this research project is to develop new algorithms that allow information fusion to occur in a distributed fashion over a network of mobile sensing platforms.
Jason Drummond
Awarded VEIV EngD
Research project: Psychotherapeutic uses of avatars, agents and virtual environments.
Primary Supervisor: Anthony Steed
Industry Sponsor: Anthropia
Virtual Environments | Avatars/Agents | Neuropsychology and Affect Science
Leto Peel
Awarded VEIV EngD
Interaction networks are made up of nodes, representing people, and links representing observed interactions between them. Within such networks community structures have been observed where nodes are more densely connected within communities than across communities.
Primary Supervisor: Simon Julier
Industry Sponsor: BAE Systems
Dynamic Environments | Community Networks
Jess Wardlaw
Awarded VEIV EngD
EngD VEIV candidate and 1851 Industrial Fellow, Jess Wardlaw, and supervisor Prof Muki Haklay, discuss her research in health provision mapping. This important area of visual engineering is set to enhance the efficiency of healthcare management in increasingly complex and demanding environments.
Primary Supervisor: Muki Haklay
Industry Sponsor: Dr Foster Intelligence
System Interactions | Epidemiological Mapping
Artemis Skarlatidou
Abel Maciel
Awarded VEIV EngD
This project will explore the hypothesis of graphical modelling of design as an integration strategy for the management of building construction projects. It is planned to develop in two stages: The first one will investigate geometrical modelling as the pivot for determinants of architectural design, such as sustainability and planning principles.
Primary Supervisor: Alan Penn
Industry Sponsor: 3DReid
Dynamic Environments | Architectural Geometric Modelling
James Tompkin
Mojtaba Bahrami
Awarded VEIV EngD
In October 2009 Mojtaba Bahrami won a Student Paper Award (in an international competition) from the U.S. Institution of Navigation (ION) to present his work at the ION GNSS 2009 conference, the 22nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the U.S. Institute of Navigation, in September 22-25 in Savannah, Georgia.
Primary Supervisor: Marek Ziebart
Industry Sponsor: Ordnance Survey
System Interactions | Improvement to kinematic GPS
Katrin Jonas
Awarded VEIV EngD
The investigation of tools, technology and software useful to the design process that can draw directly on information obtained in real-time from a prospective and/or actual site.
Primary Supervisor: Alan Penn
Industry Sponsor: Buro Happold
Intelligent Materials | Component-based modelling
Christopher Leung
Awarded VEIV EngD
The investigation of tools, technology and software useful to the design process that can draw directly on information obtained in real-time from a prospective and/or actual site.
Primary Supervisor: Stephen Gage
Industry Sponsor: Haque Design + Research Ltd
Design Instruments | Intelligent Materials | Design Process
Karen Martin
Awarded VEIV EngD
My research aims are to design and develop tools and strategies that use technology to encourage the development of a sense of place through increasing people's feeling of connection with their physical location, and to investigate how this can be extended into a sense of community.
Primary Supervisor: Alan Penn
Industry Sponsor: BT Research and Venturing
Hardware and Design | Sense of place in public spaces
Alastair Moore
Awarded VEIV EngD
This project is concerned with GIS, GPS and Vision data fusion. There is no way at present to indicate the relationship between roads, buildings and other features which a traveler sees with those described by GNSS position and GIS data.
Peimary Supervisor: Simon Prince
Industry Sponsor: Sharp Laboratories Europe
Computer Vision | Enhanced Vision
Patrick Weber
Awarded VEIV EngD
My research builds upon a previous project in collaboration with the foreign direct investment promotion agency Think London, where I developed a Geographical Information System for the agency. Through the EngD I will continue this collaboration and develop more advanced analysis and visualisation tools for the promotion of inward investment in London.
Primary Supervisor: David Chapman
Industry Sponsor: ThinkLondon
GIS modelling for company location decisions
Shahrum Nedjati-Gilani
Awarded VEIV EngD
Diffusion MRI provides an insight into the microstructural architecture of tissue by observing the restricted and hindered displacement of water molecules undergoing Brownian motion. Diffusion-Tensor MRI (DT-MRI) is the most common diffusion MRI technique and is often used for mapping fibre orientations.
Primary Supervisor: Daniel Alexander
Industry Sponsor: Philips Medical Systems
Medical: Diffusion MRI
Anthony Ruto
Awarded VEIV EngD
My area of research is human body modelling. I am currently working on methods and techniques that will enable the dynamic animation of static human body scans for both fashion and entertainment purposes through the use of dynamic statistical human body models.
Primary Supervisor: Bernard Buxton
Industry Sponsor: London College of Fashion - BBC Research & Development
Human Body Modelling
Chris Senanayake
Awarded VEIV EngD
This project is concerned with high precision machine-vision inspection systems for detecting foreign or defective bodies/objects on factory conveyor belts. Such systems are sensitive to various external factors such as lighting, dust build ups on the camera lens or slight changes in the colour of the inspected objects, etc.
Ben Tagger
Awarded VEIV EngD
Experimentalists in the biological sciences often query biological databases over the web for a molecule's information. In contrast, computational biologists use the whole of biological datasets for datamining and test statistical associations within specific biological paradigms. In this context, computational biologists use heterogeneous legacy software. Little efforts have been made to approach this problem domain from a requirements engineering point of view.
Primary Supervisor: Anthony Finkelstein
Industry Sponsor: NIMR – National Institute for Medical Research
Biological database versioning
Antony Brewer
Awarded VEIV MSc
My current sponsor is Electronic Arts, and I am based in their Chertesey Development studio. The company is involved in all stages of computer game production, sales and marketing, and I am closely integrated into the development’s "core technology" group. We are currently working on the new "Harry Potter: Goblet Of Fire" game, which is due to be released in winter ’05.
Tom Carden
Awarded VEIV MSc
Tom's doctorate research concerns the development of interactive and visual tools to simulate, predict and illustrate the movements of people in a building, aimed at the design phase of building projects.
Primary Supervisor: Alan Penn
Industry Sponsor: YRM Limited. Architects, planners, designers
Simulation of pedestrian movements
Richard Clarke
Awarded VEIV EngD
My work is concerned with the understanding (and subsequent computational modelling) of how neural systems use available visual data to learn about, and behave towards, their environment in a successful way.
Primary Supervisor: Anthony Steed
Industry Sponsor: BT Exact - Media Interfaces Lab
Computation of visual ecologies
Nicholas Sheep Conroy Dalton
Awarded VEIV EngD
Over the recent years a number of branches of study have begun to investigate the semiotic structure of desktop computer games and by extension virtual environments. One aspect which has been missing from these studies [primarily of narration by games] is the role that space plays in the production of meaning and engagement.
Primary Supervisor: Alan Penn
Industry Sponsor: Ovinity Ltd. Information Visualisation Company
Role of space in computer games
Daniel J Hulme
Awarded VEIV EngD
The raison d'etre of this research is to elucidate the fundamental principles that describe the functional structure and behaviour of complex biological systems in terms of their ecological histories.Thought experiments involving complex phenomena like emergence and the creative potential of evolving system are too difficult to analyse from the armchair, but we are now able to study them with computer simulations.
David Malkin
Awarded VEIV EngD
Using Artificial life simulations to understand the evolution of modulairty in the context of hierarchical environments.
Simon Pilgrim
Awarded VEIV EngD
My research area concerns the development of more realistic methods of character animation using layered models. Current investigations are being made into the possibility of a 5 layer model suitable for both straightforward editing by artists and then conversion into a realtime responsive 3D model for use in a game or animation.
Primary Supervisor: Anthony Steed
Industry Sponsor: Electronic Arts
Character Animation and Kinematics
Andy Stone
Awarded VEIV EngD
Although there are many approaches to modelling various aspects of the urban microclimate, ranging in complexity from simple empirical correlations to full-scale CFD models, there are a lack of software tools designed specifically for integrated analysis of the urban microclimate, and in particular for analysing how new developments in an urban area might influence the local climate. This is a niche that this project aims to fill. The aim is to develop a tool that can be used to inform the design process of new developments in some urban area.
Primary Supervisor: Tadj Oreszczyn
Industry Sponsor: BDSP Partnership Ltd
Urban simulation model, about sustainability
Sean Varney
Awarded VEIV MRes
The Aim of my Eng-D is the research and development of FILM SET METROLOGY that is a set of methodologys and technologies to allow film and TV beast Computer Digital Special Affects (CGFX) to be used by a wider range of directors and productions.
Sean Hanna
Awarded VEIV EngD
The design of architecture is the design of a highly complex, organised system. This research investigates the automation of various aspects of this process with the aid of machine learning and optimisation algorithms.
Siavash Haroun Mahdavi
Awarded VEIV EngD
This work deals with a robot where no domain knowledge is given at all. The genetic algorithms used to control these robots are deeply embodied within their environment. This embodiment means that a very simple genetic algorithm is able to control smart materials like shape memory alloys without any previous domain knowledge about them. The control and exploitation of smart materials is also extended to stereolithographic models.
Primary Supervisor: Peter Bentley
Industry Sponsor: BAE Systems - Aerospace and Defence
Adaptive robotics
Jamie O'Brien
Awarded VEIV EngD
In the field of post-stroke rehabilitation, there appears to be growing interest in the use of virtual reality (VR)-based systems as adjunct technologies to standard therapeutic practices. The limitations and the potentials of this technology are not, however, generally well understood.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Alan Penn
Industry Sponsor: NHS
System Interactions
Francis Aish
My doctoral research is the development of integrated software and methodologies that tighten the design optimisation loop. The research has three main foci. Firstly, the development and integration of advanced parametric modelling tools.
Proimary Supervisor: Prof Alan Penn
Industry Sponsor: Foster and Partners
Architectural design optimisation
Sarah Graham
Awarded VEIV EngD
This research aims to develop a rapid, efficient means of producing and interacting with the information required for strategic design at the earliest stages of projects, enabling Whole Life Cost issues to be investigated, conveyed to and understood by all relevant parties.
Bernhard Spanlang
Awarded VEIV EngD
The title of my doctorate is "Cloth Modelling and Visualisation". The research involves the design and evaluation of virtual clothing. We regard virtual clothing as computer models to simulate a photo-realistic appearance of real apparel. The aim is to develop technology to seamlessly and automatically implant images of virtual clothing into photographs of real environments. For the simulation of cloth drape behaviour, so called mass-spring particle systems are harnessed.
Avy Tahan
Awarded VEIV EngD
Point Distribution Models (PDM’s) of the human body, created from a set of body surface scans (point clouds) can be used to represent variations in 3D body shape through a small number of shape parameters called “Modes of Variation”. However, in order to create accurated PDM’s, the scans must be represented by an equal number of anatomically corresponding points, which are difficult to determine.
Primary Supervisor: Bernard Buxton
Industry Sponsor: Body Metrics
Point Distribution Models of the Human Body
Howard Towner
Awarded VEIV EngD
My research looks at occluded facial expressions. I am investigating how missing or occluded data can be accommodated by other sources of information and statistical techniques.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Mel Slater
Industry Sponsor: British Telecommunications, Media Interfaces Lab, part of the Broadband Applications Research Centre
Facial expressions