Associated Students
Melinos Averkiou
Collections of 3D models are becoming increasingly prominent, with sites such as Google Warehouse and Turbo Squid offering hundreds of thousands of models to the public. While these collections can help accelerate the pipeline of building a 3D game or a virtual world, the collections can be daunting to use with available tools. Our goal is to make the task of 3D modelling using these publicly available collections easier for everyone. The main challenges are to efficiently search the collections for relevant 3D models and to enable the use of these models or their parts for modelling tasks with little manual manipulation.
Supervisor1: Supervisor 1 here
Sponsor Name: Analysis and Manipulations of 3D Model Collections
Research Area: Goes here
Moritz Behrens
Bio to be included
Primay Supervisor: Prof Dejan Mumovic
Research Topic: Media Architecture
Danny Garside
Daniel Garside is a PhD researcher within the 3DIMPact group, working since May 2015 on a project, ‘Appearance of Objects in Museums under LED Illumination’, funded by an EPSRC iCASE award supported by Philips and The British Museum, and affiliated to SEAHA.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Stuart Robson
Colour Science | Museum Lighting | LED
Peter Hedman
Bio to be included.
Primay Supervisor: Dr Gabe Brostow
Research Topic: Vision and Imaging Science
Moos Hueting
Reflectance transformation imaging is getting more popular as a method for surface characteristics acquisition. The light source direction and strength with respect to the camera need to be known in order to perform surface reconstruction. Typically these information need to be calibrated separately. My project involves developing a method of self calibration, so a separate calibration step is not required for reflectance transformation imaging.
Primay Supervisor: Prof Niloy Mitra
Research Topic: Computer graphics and computer vision, focusing on the interesting possibilities that arise when analysing data of different dimensionalities jointly
Carlo Innamorati
To be included.
Primay Supervisor: Prof Niloy Mitra
Research Topic: Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Nishesh Jain
I have a keen interest in sustainable development and the impact of buildings on the environment and the climate. I believe having buildings that provide comfortable and healthy indoor environment while simultaneously decreasing the energy used by it and its environmental impact.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Dejan Mumovic
Building Energy Use | Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Assessment Tools | Calibration | Performance Gap
Alejandro Sztrajman
Bio to be included.
Primay Supervisor: Prof Tim Weyrich
Research Area: Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics
Rebecca Kleinberger
Awarded VEIV MRes
[Insert text]
Supervisor1: Nicolas Gold
Sponsor Name: N/A
Research Area: Goes here
Aron Monszpart
Aron Monszpart is a fourth-year Phd student working with Prof. Niloy J. Mitra and Dr. Gabriel J. Brostow in the VECG group at University College London. His main research topic is 3D scene understanding with invisible priors.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Niloy Mitra
3D Scene Understanding | Video and Physics-based Analysis | Computer Graphics | Machine Vision
Maria Murcia Lopez
María holds a BEng in Multimedia Engineering from the University of Valencia. She is currently is a third year PhD student exploring the use of immersive virtual environments for training, with the goal of enhancing the efficiency of high-value manufacturing. She is also a Research Assistant at Oculus.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Anthony Steed
Virtual Environments | 3D Interaction | Spatial Cognition
Gilles Rainer
Predictive rendering is becoming a powerful tool in many areas (architecture, car design etc.), but for some applications, the current fidelity is not high enough yet. The goal of our project is to develop techniques to provide fashion designers with photorealistic renderings of possible cloth designs made out of existing materials.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Tim Weyrich
Research Topic: Material modelling rendering capture fabrics
Tuanfeng Y. Wang
Tuanfeng Wang currently is a PhD student in Computer Science at University College London. Since 2014, he is a member of Smart Geometry Processing Group, advised by Niloy J. Mitra.
Primary Supervisor: Prof Niloy Mitra
Computer Graphics | Fast fabrication (3D printing) | Geometry processing | Shape analysis | Rendering
Pan Ye

Pan Ye's research investigates how a multi-view, multi-site video conferencing system can exploit eye-tracking information. The main technical work will be in building example teleconferencing systems using high-definition video which incorporate eye-tracking.
Supervisor1: Prof Anthony Steed
Sponsor Name: Insert Sponsor Name Here
Research Area: Goes here
Robin Roussel
Bio to be included.
Primay Supervisor: Prof Niloy Mitra
Research Area: Computational design
Ben Sargeant
Bio to be included.
Primay Supervisor: Prof Stuart Robson
Research Area: Robotics imaging
Stratos Skordos
Bio to be included.
Primay Supervisor: Dr Gabe Brostow
Research Area: Computer Vision
Jacob Thorn
I studied Computer Games Development MComp at the University of South Wales. When I finished my degree, I got an internship at Airbus working on internal communications software using future technologies. Now I am working on my PhD looking at how people respond to moral dilemmas in virtual reality with my supervisor Mel Slater. My research is focused on people’s real time decision making process when faced with a moral dilemma as well as how social aspects such as compliance and conformity can affect this decision using virtual reality as a tool to simulate such scenarios.
Primay Supervisor: Prof Melvyn Slater
Second Supervisor: Prof Anthony Steed
Moral Dilemmas | Decision Making | Social Influence | Virtual Reality