David Walton

David studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Warwick. He then completed his MRes in Virtual Environments, Imaging and Visualisation at UCL in 2015, and is currently studying towards an EngD at the VEIV Centre. From January to August 2016, David completed a research internship at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan.

David's research interests include augmented reality, realtime computer graphics, tracking and 3D reconstruction.


Walton, DR; Steed, AJS; Accurate Real-Time Occlusion for Mixed Reality. In: Proceedings of VRST '17. ACM.

Walton, D., Thomas, D., Steed, A., and Sugimoto, A.; Synthesis of Environment Maps for Mixed Reality.Presenting at the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) (October 2017)


Primary Supervisor: Prof Anthony Steed

Industry Sponsor: Imagination Technologies Ltd

Augmented Reality | Computer Graphics | 3D Reconstruction