Modelling Spatial Morphogenesis in Cities: The Dynamics of Spatial Change in Manhattan

Applied studies in the area of urban growth have often focused on the apparent physical silhouette of urban form in modelling and simulating city growth. This paper is intended to go beyond such limitations and present a model based on observed dynamics of change in urban structures. Thus the paper translates the spatial laws which govern the process of urban morphogenesis in cities into mathematical rules which represent the change in the configurational structure of street networks. For this purpose, a set of analyses will be made for the sequential development of urban street network in Manhattan.

Author: Kinda Al Sayed
Author: Alasdair Turner
Author: Sean Hanna

Publication:Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning | full text (PDF)


Urban Identity Through Quantifiable Spatial Attributes

“A city is a network of paths, which are topologically deformable”. The city is viewed as a system whose identity constantly emerges from the rearrangement of interrelations between its elements. Focusing on the urban neighbourhood as a set of building blocks, this view on urban identity is tested through the automated identification of the structure of relations between discrete blocks of labelled neighbourhoods.

Author: Anna Laskari
Author: Sean Hanna
Author: Christian Derix

Publication:Design Computing and Cognition '08: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition. (pp. pp. 615-634). Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. | full text (PDF)
