VEIV Seminar: Stephen R. Ellis
Nature, Origins and Uses of Virtual Environments: Precursors, Refinements, and Scientific Applications
Stephen R. Ellis, NASA Ames Research Center (Ret.), Moffett Field CA
11th October 2016
This presentation will outline the surprisingly long descent of head-worn viewing technologies, discuss the components of a Virtual Environment (VE), consider some of the performance refinements necessary for their practical use, provide an example of how such systems may be employed in scientific research on phenomena that can be important for the design of telerobotic interfaces when the operators view of the remote worksite is awkwardly rotated.. TBD
Stephen R. Ellis, headed the Advanced Displays and Spatial perception Laboratory at the NASA Ames Research Center between September 1989 and March, 2006. He is currently retired from NASA but continues as an Ames Associate completing several unfinished projects.
Probably the above is enough about me, but if you want more...,
He received a Ph.D. (1974) from McGill University in Psychology after receiving a A.B. in Behavioral Science from U.C. Berkeley. He has had postdoctoral fellowships in Physiological Optics at Brown University and at U.C. Berkeley and has published on the topic of presentation and user interaction with spatial information in over 200 formal reports and journal publications. He has been in the forefront of the study of user interaction with 3D content in perspective displays and virtual environments. He has served on the editorial boards of Presence, Human Factors and Virtual Reality and has edited a book, Pictorial communication in virtual and real environments, concerning the geometric and dynamics aspects of human interface to systems using spatial data.(Taylor and Francis, London. 2nd Ed. 1993)