Ciro Bevilacqua


An Imaging Tool for Energy Efficient Communities of the Future

The depletion of fuel reserves and the concerns on the energy security that stem from it, sustainable development and global warming have increased the focus on the efficiency of the generation and delivery of the energy to the communities. In this scenario, renewable energy technologies and district heating are considered to be a very efficient form of generation and distribution of energy, offering the potential for considerable savings of carbon.

The aim of the project is to produce a tool that is to assist in the appraisal of the community energy systems at concept stage on the basis of environmental and energy metrics. The tool would have the capability to capture the implications of the integration of different energy sources and assist in the engineering optimisation of supply and demand through thermal storages, low temperature heat supply and improved building performance.

Supervisor1: Supervisor 1 here

Sponsor Name: British Research Establishment (BRE)

Research Area: An Imaging Tool for Energy Efficient Communities of the Future

Supervisor2: Supervisor 2 here