Gianfranco Gliozzo

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The research is framed in the general ExCites ‘Extreme Citizen Science’ research group which is aimed to extend the range of applications, participation and engagement of people in citizen science projects. The specific research project  focuses on developing novel applications of geographical mobile gaming that will be used in the Zoological Society of London activities in monitoring biodiversity and promoting conservation.

The main focus of the research is the engagement of new types of participants in these monitoring activities, from different age groups and interest. The games can be either mobile or only web based with the target of raising awareness and participation on the conservation scopes and the biodiversity initiatives of the ZSL.


Gianfranco Gliozzo, Nathalie Pettorelli and Mordechai (Muki) Haklay; 2016; Using crowdsourced imagery to detect cultural ecosystem services: a case study in South Wales, UK.; Ecology and Society, 21(3), art6.

Elizabeth H. Boakes, Gianfranco Gliozzo, Valentine Seymour, Martin Harvey, Chloë Smith, David B. Roy and Muki Haklay; 2016; Patterns of contribution to citizen science biodiversity projects increase understanding of volunteers’ recording behaviour; Scientific Reports, 6 (April), 33051

Primary Supervisor: Muki Haklay

Industry Sponsor: Zoological Society of London

System Interaction