Valentina is a research engineer in building physics with a background in thermo-mechanical engineering. Her main research focuses on moisture transfer within internally insulated solid walls. She worked on the research and development of an internal wall insulation system, using laboratory experiments and in-situ measurements.
Her EngD project, sponsored by Natural Building Technologies, aims at developing a framework for the probabilistic moisture risk assessment of internal wall insulation. A tool based on the framework could help designers making informed decisions about insulation strategies during retrofit projects.
She has been involved in various research projects, including a study on thermal bridges in internally insulated buildings, funded by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, and the IEA Annex 55 on the Reliability of Energy Efficient Building Retrofitting. She develops and delivers lectures, seminars and short courses on building physics for professionals and students at all levels, and she has been involved in public engagement activities on energy efficiency. She is a member of the UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings, and co-chair of the technical working group on monitoring and modelling.
Marincioni, V., & Altamirano-medina, H.; Analysis of the suitability of mould growth models for the risk assessment of woodfibre internal wall insulation; In Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Symposium of Building Physics. Trondheim. 2017.
Marincioni, V. and Schwartz Y.; Identifying a Suitable Climate File for the Moisture Risk Assessment of Internally Insulated Walls Exposed to Solar-Driven Vapour Diffusion. Building Simulation (August 2017).
V. Gori, V. Marincioni, P. Biddulph and C. Elwell; Inferring the thermal resistance and effective thermal mass distribution of a wall from in situ measurements to characterise heat transfer at both the interior and exterior surfaces; Energy and Buildings, Volume 135, 15 January 2017, Pages 398–409
Altamirano-Medina, H., & Marincioni, V. (2016). Assessing the impact on heat loss and mould growth of thermal bridges resulting from internal wall insulation. In 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings. Songdo, South Korea.
Marincioni, V., Altamirano-Medina, H., May, N., & Sanders, C. (2016). Estimating the impact of reveals on the transmission heat transfer coefficient of internally insulated solid wall dwellings. Energy and Buildings, 128.
Marincioni, V., May, N., & Altamirano-Medina, H. (2015). Parametric Study on the Impact of Thermal Bridges on the Heat Loss of Internally Insulated Buildings. Energy Procedia, 78, 889–894.
Valentina Marincioni, Hector Altamirano-Medina; Effect of orientation on the hygrothermal behaviour of a capillary active internal wall insulation system; NSB (Nordic Symposium on Building Physics) 2014, Full paper 154, pg 1238-1243
Valentina Marincioni, Hector Altamirano-Medina, Ian Ridley; Performance of internal wall insulation systems - experimental test for the validation of a hygrothermal simulation tool'; NSB (Nordic Symposium on Building Physics) 2014, Full Paper 15, pg 119-126
Primary Supervisor: Hector Altamirano-Medina
Building physics | Thermo-Mechanics | Natural Building Technologies
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