Kelvin Wong

Kelvin studied an MSc in Geographic Information Science at UCL before working as a GIS analyst at WSP Group. His research is focused on 3D GIS and data quality issues with a particular focus on semantic and feature content and descriptions. The research aims to work with Ordnance Survey to launch a national wide 3D GIS dataset. The research is funded by ESPRC and Ordnance Survey focusing on three main areas: 1) usability of 3D GI; 2) applications of 3D GI and; 3) data quality of 3D GI.
A geographer at heart, Kelvin’s interests include data visualisations, cooking and good-looking maps.
K. Wong and C. Ellul, Economic Value of 3D Geographic Information, EuroSDR Report, April 2015.
Primary Supervisor: Claire Ellul
Industry Sponsor: Sponsored by Ordnance Survey
Geographic Information | 3D GIS | 3D data quality | 3D usability | 3D applications
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