Prof Daniel Alexander
I work within the Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC) and the Vision and Imaging Sciences group in the Computer Science (CS) Department at UCL. I lead the MIG (Microstructure Imaging Group) as well as development and maintenance of the Camino diffusion MRI toolkit. I also lead the POND (Progression of Neurological Diseases) group. I am Director of CMIC and Diector of Research in the CS department.
My research focusses on computational modelling and optimization for biomedical imaging and image analysis. The work involves both ends of the imaging pipeline: designing novel imaging techniques with sensitivity to new image features, and extracting new information from existing images. My background is in mathematics and computer science and I draw on ideas from medical imaging, computer vision, image processing and machine learning to construct models at various scales from tissue microstructure, through image regions or organs, to whole patient cohorts. Imaging data informs these models, so allows us to estimate their parameters and reveal new information about tissue, organs, patients or popluations.
VEIV Students
- Shahrum Nedjati-Gilani (Awarded VEIV EngD 2011)
- Christopher Senanayake (Awarded VEIV EngD 2008)
Title: Professor of Imaging Science
Group: Vision and Imaging Science and Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)
Dept: Dept of Computer Science
Research Area: computational modelling and optimization for biomedical imaging and image analysis
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