Thomas Pearce

ThomasPearcePortrait CROPPED

Thomas Pearce is an architectural designer (B.Sc., TU Berlin, MArch, Bartlett UCL) and cultural historian (B.A., M.A, KU Leuven). He has worked extensively in architectural practice as a specialist for digital design and fabrication and has published peer-reviewed theoretical work on the architecture of the proto-internet, the aesthetics and materiality of data landscapes and on the concept of sub-optimisation in digital fabrication. He is currently working on a VEIV funded PhD by Design at the Bartlett whilst running an undergraduate architectural design course at the Bartlett.

Thomas’ research project “Prototyping the Post-Perspectival” interrogates the consequences and opportunities of the proliferation of remote sensing and 3D capture technologies for architectural design and fabrication. As these technologies are soon to become small, cheap and ubiquitous, the project interrogates how we might start designing a built environment specifically addressing its new post-perspectival audience. In other words: it develops designs that are as much directed towards the human as the machine eye and balances the rules entailed by both modes of vision.

Primary Supervisor: Peg Rawes

Second Supervisor: Nat Chard

Digital Fabrication | 3D Scanning | Simulation | Built Environmen