Colour Transfer By Feature Based Histogram Registration

A common problem in computer vision is that different sensors acquire different colour responses to an imaged object. This problem occurs because physical factors during the imaging process introduce a variation that differs for each sensor; in addition, it is practically impossible to image an object under perfectly constant lighting conditions at different spatial positions within an imaging environment. This variation degrades the performance of colour computer vision processes such as object tracking; in addition, the involved nature of calibration routines means that the calibration step is often ignored.

Author: Chris R. Senanayake
Author: Daniel C. Alexander

Publication: Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2007. Malvern, UK: British Machine Vision Association | full text (PDF)

Year: 2007

Gwyneth Bradbury

GwynethBradbury Headshot small

The aim of my project is to give game design artists better 3D references and scene reconstructions which can be directly fed into the creative pipeline. 

Primary Supervisor: Tim Weyrich

Industry Sponsor : Disney Interactive

3D References for Scene Contructions

Malcolm Reynolds

MalcolmReynolds Headshot smallMy background is in Computer Science and Machine Learning, and I plan to apply Machine Learning and probabilistic methods to long-standing vision problems. In particular, I'm looking at the problem of how to reconstruct a 3D model from video footage of the interior of a building.

Primary Supervisor: Gabe Brostow

Vision and Machine Learning