Grieg Paterson

Awarded VEIV EngD

GreigPaterson Headshot smallIn collaboration with Aedas R&D and UCL, my research will explore the use of advanced modelling at the early stages of design, utilising performance data and environmental simulation as architectural design drivers.

Primary Supervisor: Dejan Mumovic

Industry Sponsor: Adeas

Dynamic Environments | Environmental Factors in Integrated Workflow

Gwyneth Bradbury

GwynethBradbury Headshot small

The aim of my project is to give game design artists better 3D references and scene reconstructions which can be directly fed into the creative pipeline. 

Primary Supervisor: Tim Weyrich

Industry Sponsor : Disney Interactive

3D References for Scene Contructions

Quasi-Projection: Aperiodic Concrete Formwork For Perceived Surface Complexity

Aperiodic tiling patterns result in endlessly varied local configurations of a limited set of basic polygons, and as such may be used to economically produce non-repeating, complex forms from a minimal set of modular elements. Several well-known tilings, such as by Penrose (2D) and Danzer (3D) have been used in architecture, but these are only two examples of an infinite set of possible tilings that can be generated by the projection in two or three dimensions of high dimensional grids subject to rotations.

Author: Sean Hanna
Author: Olivier Ottevaere

Publication: The 2009 international conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design In Architecture (ACADIA09): reForm() | full text (PDF)

Year: 2009