Dr Nicolas Gold

My research focuses developing methods (and thus tools) to help people understand (and possibly change) the products of human creativity.  In particular, my work is concerned with two primary areas of human creative endeavour: software and music.  I am particularly interested in dependence analysis and program slicing, computational musicology, and the relationship between software engineering and music.  My work draws on methods in software engineering and digital humanities.

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at University College London.  I am a member of CREST, the Software Systems Engineering group, the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, and a Core Member of the EPSRC Communities and Culture Network+.  From 2009-2014 I was an Associate of the AHRC Research Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice (CMPCP). Prior to UCL, I was a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer at King’s College London where I helped to found CREST as its deputy director, and before that was a Lecturer at UMIST/University of Manchester.  I received my PhD from the University of Durham in 2000.

VEIV Students

Title: Senior Lecturer

Group: CREST

Dept: Dept of Computer Science

Research Area: [insert]